Sunday, August 30

How cute can it get?!
It all comes at you, in spite of the reflections in the window pane.
This is a photo hanging in the store window at *fame* photographers downtown Trondheim.

Saturday, August 29

This is from my bus stop, i.e. where I catch my bus being homeward bound. I take cover during downpours under the roof, one long wall and an end wall that displays eyecatching posters.
What the ad is aobut?
Quite the treasure I walk by every day.....

Friday, August 28

December walk outside the opera house in Oslo

Tuesday, August 25

No flash, no nightmode and handheld, no lights, not even a candle in this room. But still, it captures a tad of the close to sacred magic in one of the small chapels in Nidaros Cathedral not open to the public.

Monday, August 17

Two things caught my attention on my way home last night.

Thursday, August 13

Another couple of frames capturing the lingering summer in Trondheim. Just sitting down for a minute on my way home from work, looking at the river, Nidelven, the footbridge and the boats.

Wednesday, August 12

Barely seeing one of the belltowers on the west front of Nidaros Cathedral; a "scenic view" from down low by this gorgeous flowerbed with busy and heavily laden bumblebees.
Late summer at its best in these parts.... it doesn't get any better.

Friday, August 7

Vår Frue kirke, Trondheim, Norway